Enrolled Nurses

    Personal Information
    Ethnicity *
    Spoken Language*

    (NZDL,Cover Letter,Vaccine Proof,CV)

    Do you have a current NZ driver’s licence? *

    Please upload a copy of your driver’s license. Allowed file types: txt, .doc, .docx, .doct, .pdf, .jpg, .docm, .msg, .png, .gif, .jpeg (Maximum file size 10MB)

    Have you received the Covid vaccination? *

    Please upload proof of your vaccination status.Option1: please go to My Covid Record Ministry of Health NZ(mycovidrecord.health.nz) Option @: please request a vaccine confirmation letter from Ministry of Health (www.health.govt.nz) Please do NOT upload your vaccine pass.Your proof of vaccine must show your name and the dates you received your vaccinations. Allowed file types: txt, .doc, .docx, .doct, .pdf, .jpg, .docm, .msg, .png, .gif, .jpeg (Maximum file size 10MB)

    Cover letter*

    Please upload or type a cover letter relevant to this position. Allowed file types: txt, .doc, .docx, .doct, .pdf, .jpg, .docm, .msg, .png, .gif, .jpeg (Maximum file size 10MB)


    Allowed file types: txt, .doc, .docx, .doct, .pdf, .jpg, .docm, .msg, .png, .gif, .jpeg (Maximum file size 10MB)

    Educational material relevant to your application *

    Allowed file types: txt, .doc, .docx, .doct, .pdf, .jpg, .docm, .msg, .png, .gif, .jpeg (Maximum file size 10MB)

    Entitlement to work in New Zealand
    Are you currently entitled to work in New Zealand, and if so, how?*

    Please provide full details including expiry are and any restrictions and/or conditions

    Proof of your entitlement to work*

    Please upload proof of your entitlement to work in New Zealand for faster processing of your application. For example, your passport/birth certificate if you are a New Zealand/Australian citizen or a copy of your visa for other permanent/temporary residents.

    Allowed file types: txt, doc, .docx, .doct, .pdf,.rtf,.jpg,.docm,.msg,.dotx,.png,.gif, .jpeg (Maximum file size 10MB)

    Work permit expiry (if applicable)

    Position Specific Questions

    Please specify the position you are applying for? *

    Please specify the location(s) at which you would like to work so that we can match with suitable position *

    To be able to meet the needs of our clients, our teams are assigned across rotating shift rosters. Please indicate your preferred working time(s) below

    Do you have any injuries or medical conditions which may affect your ability to effectively
    carry out the functions and responsibilities of the position you are applying for? *

    Study/Current Employment/Experience-

    Are you currently studying? *

    If yes, please advise where you are studying, what you are studying, and the days you have class

    Are you currently employed? *

    If yes, where do you currently work and how many hours per week?

    Are you planning to leave this job if you are successful in gaining employment at MG Healthcare? *

    Have you applied for any other jobs and are waiting to hear back? *

    Please Select Any That Apply*

    Please provide additional details if applicable

    Other Informations

    To ensure we operate impartially and meet our obligations to clients and any other interested party, it is necessary for individuals to declare if they have any actual, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest that will or may arise because of being employed by MG Healthcare.

    Do you have a spouse, partner, relative or household member working as an employee or consultant at MGH?

    If yes, please state their name

    Are you aware of any other potential conflicts of interest?*

    Have you lived in any other country for six months or more in the past 5 years?*

    Have you been convicted of any offence against the law either in New Zealand or overseas? (Excluding minor traffic and parking offences, and/or convictions which occurred more than 7 years ago and are covered by the lean Slate Act 2004)*

    Do you have any criminal charges pending other than minor traffic offences?*

    Do you have any other commitments that can affect your work?

    Reference Checks

    Please advise 2 work references we can call. They must be people you have worked for and you must have asked them in advance.

    Contact Number*
    Contact Number

    Final Authorisation/Declaration

    As part of the employment process, we gather and confirm as much relevant information as possible for the role you have applied for. This is to ensure we elect the best person possible and to meet various legislative requirements.

    If you are a preferred candidate, in addition to reference checking and qualification verification, further background and pre-employment checks may be undertaken if required. These may include NZQA record of learning, criminal history, credit check, police vetting, occupational registration verification and Driver’s licence verification. You may also be required to undertake a pre-employment medical examination (at your expense).


    By submitting this application, I understand and agree to:

    Information collected is for the purpose of assessing my suitability of employment with MG Healthcare Ltd. My application form and any supporting document I provide are being held in my personal file, if I become an employee of MG Healthcare.

    To the best of my knowledge, that the information I have provided is correct and no relevant information has been withheld. I understand that If I give any incorrect or misleading information or withhold any important information (other than the information I can withhold under the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act), then that will be treated as a misrepresentation. This may mean that I am no longer considered, or, if I am appointed, MG Healthcare may take disciplinary action which could result in my dismissal.